Assessment of student's potential based on the data concerning productivity and psychological comfort of education

Introduction. The purpose of the article is to present such notions as "giftedness", "talent" and "genius" as sublevels of the student's highest capacity level. The authors review the approaches of Russian and foreign researchers to the issue of giftedness in a broad sense of the word (regarded as gift, high personal potential). Research Methods. The authors propose a complex of pedagogical measures which allow to determine the current capacity level of the student. The functions of the teacher and the school psychologist are described, as well as factors underlying the level model: academic productivity and emotional condition. Research Results: It is found out that intellectual activity does not make a gifted child experience negative emotions or strain his/her willpower. In the main part of the article the giftedness is interpreted in a narrow sense, according to the proposed model: as a sublevel which allows a student to cope with an academic discipline and enjoy it due to pedagogical proficiency of the teacher. The key methods of pedagogical influence recommended by the authors are described. Discussion. It is concluded that nowadays having ability (a capacity level below giftedness - positive academic results without psychological comfort) is enough for school-leavers and university graduates. The state is interested only in the results of our activity, a type of motivation is not really important. However, the authors suppose that everything is likely to change in the future. The current world tendencies may lead to a new social order, when every person will be able to satisfy his/her needs without taking part in generally useful activities. However, the economy needs a working population, people who produce goods and services. Conclusion. If there is no financial or ethical necessity to work, the only working stimulus (apart from threatening) is love for a certain occupation. Therefore, it is possible that future society will need people with giftedness, not with ability. © 2017.

Revista Espacios
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  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 6 Miklukho-Maklaya st, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
Ability; Capacity levels; Emotions; Giftedness; Productivity; Psychological comfort; School; Students
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