Роман из Омана - победитель The Man Booker International Prize 2019

Статья посвящена наиболее заметному арабоязычному произведению 2019 года - роману писательницы из султаната Оман Джохи аль-Харти, получившему мировое признание вместе с премией Букера для переведенной на анг- лийский литературы. На основе интервью писательницы рассматривается история создания романа «Небесные тела», а с помощью литературоведческого анализа выявляются его новаторские приемы и культурная значимость, которые, по мнению авторов, выводят современную арабскую литературу, и в первую очередь - женскую прозу Залива, на качест- венно новый уровень.

The article is dedicated to the most prominent Arabic-language work of 2019 - the novel of the writer from the Sultanate of Oman, Jokha al-Harthi, who received world recognition along with the Booker Prize for translated literature into English. Based on the interview of the writer, the history of the creation of the novel «Celestial Bodies» is examined, and with the help of literary criticism its innovative techniques and cultural significance are revealed, which, according to the authors, bring modern Arabic literature, and especially the female prose of the Gulf, to a qualitatively new level. Particularly distinguished are such techniques as microsets, polyphony, the stream of consciousness. It is emphasized that the work became a kind of encyclopedia of the region due to the fact that it reflected the latest history of the Sultanate and absorbed a large number of dialect words, sayings, signs and traditions. The authors also draw attention to the fact that al-Harthi managed to catch the pulse of time and reflect the psychological problems of Oman’s modern society, especially its middle generation, which, on the one hand, does not adhere to the firm foundations of the fathers, and on the other, is shocked by the rapid socio-economic development that spawned spoiled youth. In conclusion, it is noted that over the past half century, Oman has made a leap not only in socio-economic, material development, but also, only recently, it would seem, by eliminating illiteracy, has been able to reveal a generation of talented writers, among whom there are many women whose work is worthy of attention.

Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Российская академия наук"
Number of issue
  • 1 РУДН
International Booker; ARABIC literature; Oman; Jokha Al-Harti; "Celestial Bodies"; Международный Букер; арабская литература; Оман; Джоха аль-Харти; "Небесные тела"

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