Ситуация в Ливии и интересы России

После убийства М.Каддафи Ливия распалась на конгломерат из нескольких квазигосударств, созданных оппозицией различных цветов и оттенков, враждующих между собой крупных территориальных фрагментов или центров организованного насилия, иногда даже претендующих на государственный статус, и бесчисленное количество мелких образований. Линии дезинтеграции прошли по административным границам трех областей - Триполитании, Киренаике, Феццан. Развал государственности и безопасности углубился настолько, что страна стала ареной регионального и международного соперничества.

Currently, there are two opposing “governments” in Libya: the Faiz Saraj’s Government of National Accord in Tripoli, recognized by the international community, and the cabinet of ministers in the east of the country, which is supported by the Libyan National Army led by Khalifa Haftar and relies on the “legitimate” parliament - the House Representatives. So far, attempts by the parties to come to a settlement within the framework of a political agreement have not yielded results. Meanwhile, it was the civil war and the difficult social and economic conditions associated with it, the collapse of state administration, the inaction of laws, the flourishing of violence that are key factors in the presence of radical jihadist groups in Libya. In April 2019, Haftar announced the start of an offensive on Tripoli. The offensive soon lost momentum, as forces in western Libya associated with the Government of National Accord joined forces to prevent the advance of Haftar’s troops. This event is noteworthy not only because Haftar failed to overcome the resistance of the forces of the Government of National Accord, but also because the more tangible the prospect of the capture of the capital by the Libyan national army became, the fewer allies remained within Libya itself. Despite the intricacies of the Libyan civil conflict, a more or less stable system of checks and balances has developed within the country, which does not allow any of the forces to occupy a dominant position in the military-political system of Libya. The situation is still stalemate.

Васильев А.М. 1, 2 , Исаев Л.М.3, 4 , Ткаченко А.А.5 , Кукушкин В.Ю.5 , Жерлицына Н.А. 5
Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Российская академия наук"
Number of issue
  • 1 Институт Африки РАН (ИАфр РАН)
  • 2 Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН)
  • 3 НИУ ВШЭ
  • 4 Центр цивилизационных и региональных исследований ИАфр РАН
  • 5 Институт Африки РАН
Libya; Qaddafi; civil war; Arab Spring; russia; Ливия; Каддафи; гражданская война; "Арабская весна"; россия

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