Развитие образования в условиях новой технологической революции

Совершенствование технологий и глобальная информатизация позволяют говорить о появлении признаков новой технологической революции, которая в ближайшем будущем окажет влияние на развитие всех сфер жизни общества. В статье рассматриваются основные признаки четвёртой технологической революции и возможные перспективные меры, которые следует предпринять в сфере образования в связи с переходом общества на новый этап своего развития.

Education development under new technological revolution conditions

Introduction. World technological development and digitalization are unmistakable tokens of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) that undoubtedly will have a positive impact on all levels of education. This paper examines the key features of the 4IR and educational perspectives that can enhance lifelong learning and make a smoother transition to diversified academic landscape. Methods. In our study we examine Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), automation, robotics, Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR), 3D printing and quantum computing in the retrospect of educational process. Results and Discussion. The essential role in adapting the education system to the technologies of the 4IR and evolving market needs is undoubtedly played by the close collaboration of educational organizations and new modern enterprises. Conclusion. The education system must be constantly reformed (organizational reform, educational reform) especially in the light adjusting to the new technological changes and should be periodically evaluated from the outside.

Сибирский федеральный университет
  • 1 Moscow City University
  • 2 RUDN University
technological revolution; informational revolution; informational technologies; system of education; individualization; технологическая революция; информационная революция; информационные технологии; система образования; индивидуализация

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