The article deals with the letters of the anti-russian coalition during the Kakhetian uprising of 1812 as a source of propaganda. The authors of these propaganda materials are identified and classified. The attention is paid to the methods of struggle of the russian administration against the rebels. The documents collected by the Caucasian archaeological commission, as well as the documents of the Central state historical archive of Georgia (Tbilisi, Georgia) were used as materials. In conclusion, the authors state that the genres of writing during the Kakhetian uprising can be divided into several groups: letters of appeal, letters of conviction, letters of promise. For example, the letters of appeal were intended to attract the population of a particular area under the banners of the rebels. The letters of persuasion were intended to encourage surrounded groups of russian troops to stop the resistance and surrender. In the letters of promise, the special attention was given to the benefits that will support the uprising in the foreseeable future. The common thing in all these letters was one - the massive use of disinformation. Copyright © 2018 by Academic Publishing House Researcher s.r.o.