This article renders on the issue of interpretation teaching for not professional interpreters. In this paper, I discuss a game "Deaf Interpreter" adapted to teach oral translation in a Russian-English language combination. "Deaf Interpreter" is based on the principles of a well-known in Russia children game called "Deaf Phone". In this game, children stand in a chain way, the first in the chain makes a phrase and whispers it to the second person; the second person does the same, and it goes until the end of the chain. Repeating the phrase is prohibited. If someone cannot catch a word, the one should get it from the context or imagine, what can replace the original word and transfer them to the next person. Usually, in the result, the final phrase looks very different and funny in comparison to the original one. I adapted this children game to teaching Russian-English consecutive interpretation, and this article is to describe how "Deaf Interpreter" works in class, and how the class should be prepared for the game.