Antimicrobial activity of hypericum perforatum L.

The use of sorbents as application materials in the treatment of wounds and purulent lesions of soft tissues has been known since ancient times. The essence of application sorption is the separation of toxic metabolites, microbial cells and bacterial toxins from wounds and purulent cavities with direct contact of the sorbent with their surface. The immobilization of various pharmaceuticals on the sorbent allows you to get effective antimicrobial drugs that have simultaneously a wide range of actions. These properties are realized as the immobilized substances that released on it. We chose silicon dioxide (SiO2) as the matrix when creating the Hypericum Perforatum holed phytosorbent. When introducing the phytosorbent Hypericum Perforatum into the wound, silicon dioxide maintains the concentration of the phytopreparation at a therapeutic level for a long time. Phytosorbent of Hypericum Perforatum combines the sorption properties of the sorbent with the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of Hypericum Perforatum. The article studies the antimicrobial activity of Hypericum’s Perforatum phytosorbent in relation to the main pathogens of purulent wounds in cows by the method of consecutive two-time serial breeding. It is established that the phytosorbent of Hypericum Perforatum has a pronounced antimicrobial effect against conditionally pathogenic bacteria, pathogens of purulent processes in cattle. So, the drug at concentrations of 3.9 mg / ml and higher inhibited growth of 100.0% of S. aureus cultures, at a concentration of 7.8 mg / ml and higher-100.0% of S. intermedius isolates. It should be noted that the phytosorbent of Hypericum Perforatum was also found active against S. epidermidis, S. pyogenes, S. uberis and S. faecalis (it suppresses the growth of bacteria of these species in concentrations of 3.9; 15.6; 31.3 and 15.6 mg/ml, respectively). The drug had slightly less antimicrobial activity against gram-negative flora of E. coli (in concentrations ≥ 62.5 mg / ml), P. aeruginosa (≥ 125 mg/ml), P. vulgaris (≥ 62.5 mg/ml), P. mirabilis (≥ 31.3 mg/ml) and C. albicans (≥ 62.5 mg/ml). © 2020, Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved.

Vatnikov Y. 1 , Shabunin S.2 , Karamyan A. 1 , Kulikov E. 1 , Sachivkina N. 3 , Stepanishin V.4 , Vasilieva E. 3 , Bobkova N.5 , Lucay V.6 , Avdotin V. 7 , Zenchenkova A. 1 , Rudenko P. 1, 8 , Rudenko A.6
Advanced Scientific Research
  • 1 Department of Veterinary Medicine, Peoples' Friendship, University of Russia, RUDN University), Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 2 Russian Research Veterinary Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology, and Therapy of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Voronezh, Russian Federation
  • 3 Department of Microbiology and Virology, Peoples' Friendship, University of Russia, RUDN University), Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 4 Department of Anatomy and Histology of animals named after professor A.F. Klimov, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA named after K.I. Skryabin, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 5 Institute of Pharmacy, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 6 Department of Veterinary Medicine, Moscow State University of Food Production, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 7 Department of Agrobiotechnology, Peoples’ Friendship, University of Russia, RUDN University), Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 8 Biological Testing Laboratory, Branch of Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BIBCh RAS), Moscow region, Russian Federation
Antimicrobial activity; Cattle; Hypericum perforatum; Phytosorbent; Purulent wounds; Silicon dioxide

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