In the research single unresolved questions of military metaphor typology, identification of its functions in the media discourse, establishment of its lexical and grammatical features in language of the English and German mass media are considered. The general and the specific dominating functions of the military metaphor in the modern English and German media discourse come to light. The main research procedures are a hypothetical-deductive method, an inductive method, a descriptive and comparative method, a modeling method, a method of the definition analysis, component analysis, interpretive analysis, quantitative analysis, elements of frame and discourse analyses, and reception of continuous selection. As research material we use 4500 units in equal shares in the English and German languages which were selected from foreign and domestic periodic sources of the end of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century. The description and explanation of military metaphor linguocultural specifics in the modern English and German media discourse is obviously important for contrastive linguistics. © 2020 Transilvanian Association for the Literarure and Culture of Romanian People (ASTRA). All rights reserved.