Stochastic Estimation of Orientation Parameters of an Antenna Complex based on Strapdown Inertial System Measurements

The problem of high-precision determination of the spatial orientation of the antennas of radio complexes located on high-rise masts of various designs is considered. It is established that the methods currently used, based on measurements of satellite navigation systems and autonomous measurements of strapdown inertial orientation systems, do not provide the required accuracy in solving the problem. It is shown that the low accuracy of existing methods is due to both weak noise immunity of information processing algorithms and the lack of the ability to take into account the dynamic properties of orientation parameters measured under conditions of high intensity interference, the properties of which, as a rule, are not taken into account. A dynamic algorithm is proposed for estimating the stochastic orientation parameters of the antenna of a radio complex, which is invariant to the nature of the movement of the mast base and provides stability and the required estimation accuracy under general assumptions about the nature of the interference of the sensitive elements of the strapdown inertial orientation system. The Rodrigue–Hamilton parameter vector was used as the observed state vector – the antenna orientation parameter vector – and the vector of measurements of the angular velocity sensors of the strapdown inertial system was used as the observation vector for it. The instrumentation of the strapdown inertial system includes three accelerometers and three angular velocity sensors located orthogonally at the center of mass of the antenna. Based on the obtained non-linear stochastic equations for the dynamics of the change in the parameter vector of the current orientation of the strapdown inertial orientation system on a moving base and the equations of their observation, a stochastic model of measurement signals for sensitive elements of the strapdown inertial orientation system, a non-linear (generalized) Kalman filter is constructed that provides the desired solution to the problem of estimating the parameters of the current antenna orientation on a perturbed base. We present the results of a numerical experiment and a conclusion about the possibility of using a fi lter to solve the problem of operational orientation of antennas of radio engineering complexes using medium- and high-precision strapdown inertial orientation systems and without correction over a long time. © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.

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  • 1 Institute of Innovative Engineering Technologies, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 2 Serpukhov Metallist Plant, Serpukhov, Moscow Region, Russian Federation
antenna; moving mast; nonlinear stochastic estimation; Rodrigue–Hamilton parameters; spatial orientation; strapdown inertial orientation system
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