В июне 2017 г. вдоль прибрежной полосы массива Туапхат (Краснодарский край, Геленджикский район) проводилось исследование макрофитобентоса с целью выявления закономерностей его произрастания. На основании данных профилирования были построены картосхемы и профили, которые отражают особенности распространения сообществ макрофитов вдоль прибрежной полосы массива и вдоль подводного склона.
Macrophytobenthos is one of the most important components of the coastal ecosystems. The North-Caucasian cost of the Black sea is characterized by high population density and intense anthropogenic activities, as a result of which the coastal marine communities are suffering significant anthropogenic impact. The goal of the study is to identify the patten of the macrophytobenthos growth on the Black Sea North-Caucasian coast with regard to the geo-ecological characteristics of the coastland and the environmental features of the macrophytes. The object of the research is the coastland of the Tuapkhat Massif. The main method of research was the method of profiling and mapping. 37 profiles were made in total. The width of the profiles was 2 meters, the length of the profiles was about 30 meters and the depth was about 2-3 meters. On the basis of the profiling data, there were constructed five schematic-maps and then three profiles of the distribution of macrophyte communities along the coast line of the massif and the underwater slope. Based on the information obtained by describing the card-charts and profiles, the following conclusions were made: 1. The spread of macrophytes along the coast line of the massif depends on such factors as the relief of the underwater slope, the size of the soil fractions, the water circulation and the pattern of the macrophyte growth. The substrate characteristics are very important for its growth and distribution. 2. In the bays, therefore, macrophytes are absent or represented by rare individuals of one or more species at some distance from the water edge. The most common of them are Dilophus fasciola , Padina pavonia and rare shrubs of Cystoseira sp . at a depth of 1.0 to 3.0 m. 3. On capes, macrophytes grow mainly by ridges, using a bench as a convenient substrate. At the water edge there usually grows Enteromorpha intestinalis . It is sometimes found together with Dilophus fasciola among the Cystoseira sp . at a distance of 20.0 meters from the water edge and at a depth of 2.0 meters. 4. In the places where capes give way to bays as well as in shallow waters at a depth of about 0.5-1.0 m (sometimes up to 1.5 m) Cystoseira sp . grows mosaically. Pseudolittoral area is mainly represented by communities of Enteromorpha intestinalis and Dilophusfasciola . In the shallow water area and in the open spaces there grow Dilophusfasciola with Padinapavonia .