Studia studiosorum, выпуск второй: пространство и время молодых исследователей

В краткой редакционной статье представлен взгляд главного и выпускающего редакторов на цели, задачи и сущность в целом специального выпуска «Studia studiosorum: Успехи молодых исследователей» как когнитивного и социального проекта и, в частности, на специфику второго специального выпуска.

Studia studiosorum, Second Issue: Space and Time of Young Researchers

The key idea of the "Space and Time" Publishing Project and Almanac Space and Time as its component is reflected in its name: the comprehension of the world and scientific truth about its structure is possible only through connection established between the phenomena and processes that form this world, i.e. comprehending the world as a unity and integrity of space and time, or, if you prefer, as a unity and integrity of spaces and times. The subject matter of our brief “Editorial” is the content of 2nd special issue “Studia studiosorum” in the context of spatial-temporal interaction and in comparison with the first such issue of 2017. Using problem, conceptual, phenomenological and comparative analysis, we consider this content as a unity of the spatial-temporal intra- and in some cases inter-subject relations, which form a special cognitive and, mutatis mutandis , cultural space, investigated by the authors of this issue. Since the outstanding Russian evolutionist Sergey Meien noted that “...the classification of time coincides with the classification of processes, since time is an attribute, not just a certain parameter of objects,” we affirm that not only history (in the broadest sense of this word, i.e. any processes that have their own reference points chosen by observers) is ‘time-containing’: time as an attribute is implicit in any researches, in any set of studies and, ultimately, in any researchers and any research communities itself. We believe that the second youth issue of “Studia studiosorum” has already demonstrated that the formation of stable links between the Almanac and new generation of scientists is more likely a pattern than an accident, and the very fact that a second youth issue has been formed and published is evidence of this pattern. We also consider the second special issue of “Studia studiosorum”, as well as the Almanac itself and the “Space and Time” Publishing Project as a whole, as a project itself. In this capacity, the first special issue already had the features that make this project a socio-cultural and cognitive one: (i) the issue was aimed at establishing communication between older and younger generations of scientists, which allows, on the one hand, to prove to these young researchers that being a scientist means not only being an expert in a particular area, but also being able to have a constructive dialogue with ‘colleagues in the workshop’ and be heard. On the other hand, such intergenerational connection allows restoring cognitive connections inherent in science (and forming cognitive unity), regardless of administrative and managerial mistakes; (ii) issue was focused on the work of young researchers who would like to share their accumulated experience and observations with the world of science: both with their own and with other scientific communities.; (iii) issue demonstrated that science is not the property of a narrow circle of ‘mastodons’. Achieving this goal has been and remains a serious “challenge” for the editorial board of the “Space and Time” Publishing Project, as it implies opposition to the already established ‘stereotypes’ about science as ‘bone’, ‘complex’, ‘incomprehensible’, ‘boring’ field of educational activity that a priori cannot be interesting and exciting for young researchers; Over time, it became clear that the “Studia studiosorum” project has once more goal: our special issue became an educational platform for young researchers, where they go through all the main stages of working on an article, learn the basic mechanisms of this work, starting with creating a plan and ending with the final design of the article. We conclude that special issue of “Studia studiosorum: Achievements of Young Researchers” as an independent cognitive, sociocultural and educational project has already become a special space of successful intellectual and creative beginnings and undertakings, the topos of the future of Russian and world science. This project is becoming more and more obvious about itself as a ‘time-containing’ phenomenon, as a special ‘cognitive landscape’ where the past and the present are becoming the future before our very eyes.

Tynyanova O.N.1 , Chernykh V.I. 2
Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время"
Number of issue
  • 1 O. Shmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 2 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
пространство; время; когнитивный и социальный проект; молодые исследователи; специальный выпуск; научная истина; ценность науки; space; time; cognitive and social project; young novice researchers; Special issue; scientific truth; value of science

Other records

Babayev F.A., Vakulin G.V., Ledin A.O., Novosel'tsev A.Ye., Babazade D.F.
Верхневолжский медицинский журнал. Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Тверской государственный медицинский университет" Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации. Vol. 18. 2019. P. 15-22
Tishin A.A.
Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. Автономная некоммерческая организация Научно-издательский Центр "Пространство и Время". Vol. 17. 2019. P. 22-22