The development of the most efficient technology is extremely important to synchronize work 0n the laying yielding strawberry parent plants. The main link here should be the material obtainecjia vitro. The most vulnerable element of in vitro technology is adaptation to non-sterj]econditions, when it is very difficult to simultaneously control a large number of factors and when very large plant losses are possible. The fundamentally new method of adapting microplants t0 hydroponics has been tested and allows us to virtually eliminate the loss of the smallest materia|obtained directly from the tubes. This material can be grown to parameters that allow it to (jeplanted in a traditional substrate, which is comparable to seedlings of vegetable or flower crops The article discusses the importance of strawberry culture in providing people with vitamins. The emphasis is placed on the direct dependence of increasing strawberry planting productivity on the quality of the original planting material. A key role of the plant breeding method in obtaining planting material is confirmed. A detailed account is given to the features of the various in vitro propagation stages and new technical solutions are proposed to improve the process efficiency The efficiency of using auxin-containing paste when planting microplants to peat-based soil substrate to be adapted has been shown. 2% soil insecticide Diazinon added to the compositi0n of the paste excluded damage to the roots by the sciaride larvae. The development of an alternative method for adapting microplants to hydroponics made it possible to completely eliminate the ц$е of any substrate, ensuring plant viability at the level of 95-100%.