9 октября 2015 г. на факультете гуманитарных социальных наук в рамках Фестиваля науки РУДН прошел круглый стол студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых на тему «Миграционный кризис в ЕС и переосмысление мультикультурализма: европейский вопрос и немецкий ответ».
The paper dedicated to the “round-table” conference “Migration crisis in the EU and rethinking of multiculturalism: the European question and the German answer” which was organized by the Department of comparative politics of the Peoples` Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) and held on October 9 2015 on the faculty of the humanities and social sciences. Among the participants of the conference were the lecturers and the students of the PFUR.