Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur [Bulletin of Slavic Cultures].
ФГБОУ ВО «Российский государственный университет им. А.Н. Косыгина (Технологии. Дизайн. Искусство)».
Vol. 53.
P. 156-168
The review is to examine the monograph of the Ukrainian sociologist T. Bagayeva Branding through the lens of Sociology. The core of Dr. Bagayeva's research is founded in sociology and designed to provide answers to practical issues by implementing a new configuration of the intellectual toolset that integrates social analytics, expertise, managerial, creative and innovational activities in the field of communications. Dr. Bagayeva analyzes the morphology of complex communications systems, such as branding, soft power, StratCom, and RC (Reflexive Control). In order to conduct her analysis, the author introduces an interdisciplinary reflexive platform.