Problems and prospects of gold mining development and organizational actions to increase the economic efficiency of gold’s production in Russia are considered. Also, are proposed the methods of extracting gold from gold-bearing dumps using modern geotechnologies, reducing the cost of its extraction from the rock dumps. An important factor in the development of geotechnologies in Russia as a whole is undoubtedly the use of scientific potential for developing efficient and ecologically friendly technologies of heap leaching the gold, as well as increasing the quality of the final product of processing. It is noted that the integrated use of mineral resources, on the basis of scientific and technical achievements, makes it possible to achieve the production of maximum volumes of competitive products with a higher useful value at minimum costs for material, labor, financial and non-material costs, and minimize negative environmental impact. The authors raise the issue of prospects for the development of geotechnology in the field of subsoil use. The results of this work were used to study further analysis, as evidenced by the data obtained from exploratory wells. © 2019, International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference. All rights received.