The study was conducted on chicken embryos from three groups (H ´ H) (G ´ G) (H ´ G) at different stages of ageto study changes in shape. Chicken embryos are the best experimental animals for easy access to the fetus, short incubation period and low costs. It was noted that the embryos in group (G ´ G) were shorter than the other two groups and there was no difference in the width of embryos between the three groups. It can be noted that in the first group embryos outstripped the rate of growth of embryos of groups 2 and 3 in the first 7 days of incubation. By the 18th day of incubation, the embryo length averaged 88,87 mm, And the embryos of group 2 were shorter by an average of 5,8 mm, or 5,9%. (P < 0,05). The width of the body embryos by groups did not differ and amounted to an average of 17,28 mm.