Buccal mucosa transplant the concept of ideal graft in surgical management of peyronies disease

MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 2011 to February 2016, 28 patients with stable stage Peyronies disease underwent substitution coroproplasty using BMT (incision and grafting). The mean age of patients was 54.8+/-6.2 years. All patients completed an IIEF-5 questionnaire and underwent a standard preoperative examination: anamnesis, physical examination, penile duplex pharmaco-ultrasonography and penile fixation photography to assess the type and angle of curvature. The average angle of penile curvature was 82.8 (45-120). All patients underwent incision and grafting using BMT; in 5 patients additionally the plication of the penile tunica albuginea was performed. Follow-up examinations were concluded at 3, 6 and 12 months and more after surgery.RESULTS: Median follow-up was 30 months. Postoperative penile straightening was achieved in 93% of patients. The duplex peak systolic velocity of the right and left cavernosal arteries improved from 42.59 to 45.64 cm/s and from 34.55 to 43.48 cm/s, respectively (p less or equal 0.05).CONCLUSION: Penile corproroplasty using BMT is a safe and effective method of treating patients with Peyronies disease. Follow-up clinical and instrumental examination showed no impairment of the erectile function or penile hemodynamics.INTRODUCTION: Surgical techniques in managing Peyronies disease include plication corporoplasty, plaque incision, grafting and penile prosthesis implantation. The question of an ideal transplant for corporoplasty remains open.AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of the substitution corporoplasty using buccal mucosa transplant (BMT) in treating Peyronies disease.

Kotov S.V. 1, 2, 3 , Yusufov A.G. 1, 2, 3 , Semenov M.K. 1, 2, 3
Number of issue
  • 1 N.I. Pirogov RNRMU of Minzdrav of Russia, Moscow, Russia
  • 2 N.I. Pirogov City Clinical Hospital 1, Moscow Health Department, Moscow, Russia
  • 3 Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
buccal mucosa transplant; corproroplasty; penile curvature; Peyronies disease; tunica albuginea plaque

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