A study of flora in Argunskiy Biological Reserve in Chechen Republic, with over 490 species of vascular plants. Asteraceae family was investigated in particular detail, including 60 species and 38 genera. Centaurea is presented in 7 species, Artemisia, Inula – 5 species each; 3 species each of Cirsium and Hieracium genera, 2 species each – Ambrosia, Achillea, Arctium, Carduus, Matricaria, Petasites, Senecio, Sonchus, Xanthium. The abovementioned genera total to 42 species and 67.7 % of the family. 20 species with a sole genus constitute 32.3%. The family is represented by species of various geographic origin - 6 geotypes and 20 geo-elements with significant prevalence of golarctic(35,4%) and boreal (33.8%) geotypes. Species useful for various purposes are listed. Rare and protected species of the family are indicated.