The profound structural changes that are currently taking place almost everywhere in the vocational education institutions of Russia are caused by the demands of the time. Accession to the Bologna agreement, new educational standards, the concept of continuous educational process require changes in approaches to the various factors of work in the educational institution. Presently, the professional responsibilities in project management are assigned to teachers who are encountered with the need to develop new functions. In this regard, it is quite natural to adopt the experience of the European education system and use its best practice in the national secondary and high school. The experience of foreign universities shows that tutoring is the most important element of the educational process and the process of becoming an individual. The research is based on the culturological approach, substantiated by the specificity of the subject of our research that is tutorship in foreign countries, considered as a phenomenon of culture. In the study of educational systems, B. Holmes's problem method, involving deduction, was used. For comparison, the educational systems of Great Britain were chosen as the country of origin of tutoring and Russia as a country just beginning to use tutoring. The comparative analysis was conducted on the grounds reflecting the main characteristics of the phenomenon being investigated: 1) tutoring as a process, 2) forms and content of activity, 3) the result of tutoring activities. The purpose of the tutoring model of teaching in modern conditions depends on the characteristics of the national model. In its traditional interpretation this is a development of metacognitive abilities. In Russia, the main goal is to accompany the establishment of an individual educational trajectory. The comparison made it possible to identify general trends and features of the modernization of tutoring models in the UK and Russia. When planning the strategy of the project, the student mastered metacognitive skills, including universal educational actions (regulatory, cognitive, communicative), the ability to use them in cognitive practice, independence in the planning and implementation of experiments. During the project implementation of focus group members it was revealed that not all secondary and high school teachers have the required skills and are ready to effectively manage the student projects. As for the responsibilities of tutors in Russian schools there is a strong necessity to coordinate the purpose of the provision of project management. Evaluated research results, which were obtained during the implementation of the individual projects of young scientists, showed the practical value of the model developed. Thus, the involvement of university lecturers as school tutors will increase the effectiveness of this project activity in secondary schools. The developed model of the tutor's relationship with the project contractor and the algorithm of the project are repeated in the implementation of a series of the individual projects in 2018. However, Russian teachers are not yet ready to transfer responsibility for the final results of the educational process to the students. Nevertheless, modern society needs independent and creative specialists, having a wide and full set of professional competencies. And it is more likely that the institute of tutoring will help to solve this problem.

Voino L.I.1 , Krylova L.A.1 , Shuverova T.D.2 , Shakhova V.A. 3 , Torosyan L.D.4
IATED Academy
  • 1 Moscow State University of Food Production
  • 2 State Federal Budget Institution of Higher Education Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU)
  • 3 Peoples Friendship University of Russia
  • 4 Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
tutor; bologna agreement; culturological approach; new educational standard; metacognitive skills; tactical planning; project management

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