В статье рассматриваются романы современных русских прозаиков, написанные в 2017 году и по причинам хронологическим «не поспевшие» в премиальные списки – 2017. На примере этих романов автор анализирует поворотные, ключевые тенденции русской прозы минувшего года и прогнозирует их попадание в премиальный процесс 2018-го.
The article discusses novels which, written by Russian authors in 2017, did not make it in time to be included in the shortlists of the 2017 literary awards: Long Jump [Pryzhok v dlinu] by O. Slavnikova, Teacher Dymov [Uchitel Dymov] by S. Kuznetsov, Prince Incognito [Prints incognito] by A. Ponizovsky, etc. The critic analyses these novels to discover the turnaround and main trends of the last year’s Russian prose, such as a renewed attention for the individual, a dialogue between generations, and insanity as the ultimate subject. The author argues that the previous year was marked by a turnaround in literature: away from large-scale historical retrospections and more towards the contemporary private individual, where even history and philosophy are viewed from the point of personality. The creative focus shifted from ideology to questions of personal existence: it is clear that critics will have plenty to discuss, and judging panels to dispute during long- and short-listing, in 2018.