В статье представлены результаты лечения 292 больных с заболеваниями сердца, включая ишемическую болезнь сердца, приобретенные пороки и другие. Разработана концепция «бескровной» программы при выполнении операций на сердце. При этом отмечается достоверное уменьшение периоперационной кровопотери. Отказ от аллогемотрансфузий способствовал снижению количества послеоперационных инфекционных осложнений.
According to the program of blooding surgery 297 patients were operated with coronary heart disease, acquired and congenital cardiac diseases and others. The introduction of principles of bloodless surgery is favoured by not only risk from donor transfusion, but also by the results of the reserchers dealing with the body's adaptation to acute anemia. The present study was undertaken to make a scientific-and-practical assessment of actual own blood funds and their introduction in order to decrease or refuse to use donor blood at cardiac surgery under extracorporeal circulation. Own blood saving methods, such as acute normovolemic hemodilution, washed autoerythrocytic reinfusion, autoplasma reinfusion, become affective in reducing hemorrhage after extracorporeal circulation. This method is safe, simple in organization, and permitted to avoid allogeneic blood transfusion and its complications.