Hypertensive patients' adherence, motivation, and awareness during fixed-dose perindopril A and amlodipine combination treatment (Results of the CONSTANTA trial)

Aim. To estimate changes in treatment adherence and motivation and quality of life in Prestance-treated population of the observational CONSTANTA program. Subjects and methods. The effect of Prestance on treatment adherence and motivation and quality of life was evaluated in 2435 participants of the CONSTANTA program. It included patients with uncontrolled hypertension who generally received angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor antagonists alone or in conjunction with free or fixed-dose combinations of 2-3 antihypertensive agents and who were additionally given Prestance to correct antihypertensive therapy, as decided by their doctors. The goal blood pressure (BP) was less than <140/90 mm Hg for all the patients. A modified Morisky- Green questionnaire was used to measure adherence, motivation, and awareness in the patients. Their treatment lasted three months. Results. A total of 1992 (81.8%) patients in the analyzed group achieved the goal BP. When included in the study, 1076 (44.2%) patients were defined as adherent to therapy; the mean adherence index was equal to 3.12±0.86 scores; at 3 months of therapy, the number of adherents increased up to 1997 (82%) and the mean adherence index rose up to 3.6±0.74 scores. With high baseline motivation, its mean score was 1.25±0.79 in 40.1% of the patients; at 3 months the number of the motivated rose up to 70.9% (p<0.05) and the mean score was as high as 1.75±0.60 (p<0/05). At baseline, 44.2% of the patients showed a high awareness; its mean score was 1.42±1.12; at 3 months of therapy, both indicators significantly increased up to 82% (p<0.05) and 2.38±0.80, respectively. Conclusion. The well tolerable BP lowering during Prestance therapy is attended by a substantial rise in treatment adherence and motivations in the patients even in the absence of special purposeful measures.

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  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation
Antihypertensive therapy; Fixed-dose combinations; Perindopril A/amlodipine; Treatment adherence; Treatment motivation
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