Practical recommendations to improve the quality of training and methodical support of professional teacher education

The research urgency is caused by the transition to the knowledge society and new demands for training and methodical provision of professional pedagogical education. The purpose of this paper is to develop practical recommendations to improve the quality of training and methodical support of professional pedagogical education. The leading approach of the study is the integrative approach which allows considering training and methodological support as a system of training and curricula documentation and training-methodical materials, diagnostic methodic and training materials for the organization of the educational process, independent work of students and intensification of activity of the teacher. The study involved 250 teachers, 300 students, 100 staff of the education authorities that took part in the identification of quality performance criteria of training and methodical support. Main results of the research consist in determining of the functions’ content (teaching, educating, developmental, and integrative) of training –methodical support; development of a mechanism for assessing its quality, including functions (productive, regulatory), stages (ascertaining, advisory), criteria (informative, didactic, educational and developmental levels) and tools (analysis, study of consumer preferences, a definition of prospects of development and review). The significance of the results obtained is that the identified functions of training and methodical support lead to effective development of future teacher's professional competences and the formation of intelligence, which expresses the susceptibility to intellectual values, love of learning, interest in history, an aesthetic feeling. Implementation of a mechanism for assessing the quality of training and methodical support allows optimizing the content of professional pedagogical education and improving of the professional portrait of the teacher. © 2016 Grebennikov et al.

Grebennikov V.V. 1 , Grudtsina L.Y. 1, 2 , Marchuk N.N. 1 , Sangadgiev B.V. 1 , Kudyashev N.K.3
Number of issue
  • 1 Department of Judicial Authority, Law-Enforcement and Human Rights Activity, RUDN University (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia), Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 2 Civil Law Department, Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 3 Department of Physical Education and Sport, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Moscow, Russian Federation
Professional pedagogical education; The formation of intelligence; Training and methodical support
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Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. Латвийский институт органического синтеза Латвийской академии наук / Springer New York Consultants Bureau. Vol. 52. 2016. P. 973-995