This article discusses simulation of thermo-hydraulic characteristics of porous-net matrix of rotor heat exchanger with conic heat transfer elements of transport gas-turbine low-power engine. Heat transfer processes in porous-net matrix are studied insufficiently, which creates considerable difficulties for designing of heat exchangers. Thermo-hydraulic processes in porous-net matrix composed of 10 layers of metallic mesh wire used in heat transfer elements of rotor heat exchangers have been simulated. The obtained results have been used for development of relationships describing heating and cooling in porous-net matrix as a function of parameters of heat carrier flow differing from the known relationships. In order to approbate the obtained equations the heat recovery rate in rotor heat exchanger with a 270 kW transport microturbine have been calculated by means of mathematical simulation of thermo-hydraulic processes in porous-net matrix. The calculations of the heat recovery rate of the given heat exchanger using verified temperature dependences of the Colborne factor demonstrate good agreement with experimental data in the range of one and a half percent. © Research India Publications.