The criminal code of the Russian federation on the liability for the terrorism

The fight against the terrorism requires a set of measures to eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to the development of the policy of "intimidation of one's political opponents." The current state of the world community, the announcement of the sanctions against the Russian Federation by the USA, the EU, Canada, Australia, Japan, Norway, accusing the Russian Federation of the aggression against Ukraine, cannot be conductive to the close cooperation in the fight against the terrorism. The norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on combating the terrorism in the system of crimes against the public security are discussed in this paper. The comparative legal study of the relevant legislation of the Russian Federation, the European Union and the United States of America was conducted by the authors. The methods of the theoretical and applied, historical and comparative legal studies were used for the presentation of the material. It is noted herein that the criminal law measures on combating the terrorism are complementary to the system of all the means of combating this vice of the modern world; the primary role of the moral foundations of the society, the socio-economic and political reforms in the country and the policy of the state strategy for the strengthening of the peace and cooperation of the states in all spheres of society is emphasized herein. The attention is drawn to the need to rethink the innovative, but thoroughly ill-conceived policy of global computerization of all social sectors, contributing to the growth of unemployment, frustration and aggression in the society, carried out in the Russian Federation. The authors substantiate the need for the most balanced approach to the introduction in the Criminal Code of the provisions on the terrorism, designed casuistically and creating the artificial competition with the other provisions. The importance of the development of the criminal law provisions, understandable for the law enforcers, doctrinally sound and socio-economically efficient, is emphasized herein. The importance of the relative stability of the criminal law provisions in general and in particular with regard to the establishment of responsibility for the terrorism is noted herein. The detailed scientific analysis of the amendments made to the RF Criminal Code articles, relating to the terrorism, is given in this paper. The authors note that the present realities require a rapid updating and improving of the anti-terrorist legislation existing in the Russian Federation in terms of the elimination of the existing internal contradictions and gaps, make recommendations for its improvement in order to promote the flexible resist to any challenges of the terrorist groups and the ability to protect the people from any terrorist threats. © 2016 International Information Institute.

Minyazeva T.F. 1 , Gamidov R.T.2
International Information Institute Ltd.
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  • 1 Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
  • 2 Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Russian Law Academy Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, North-Caucasian Branch, Agasieva str., 87, Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, 367000, Russian Federation
Countermeasures; Criminal organizations; Terrorism; Terrorism related offenses; Terrorist activities
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