Folklore is a form of reflection of national collective consciousness, emotional perception of the world, axiological attitudes, and it is of particular interest for the study. A ditty (chastushka) is one of the few genres of folklore, which functions and develops in modern linguistic culture, changing under the influence of extralinguistic factors. It shows a rapid reaction in response to everything that happens in our society, transferring the attitude of the cumulative linguistic personality to the events of social, economic, and political situation in the country and the world in the traditional form of two-line or four-line rhymed poem ditty on some topical or humorous theme. In many ways, this popularity of the genre is due to the special representation of the basic concepts of. Space. and. Time.. Despite the relatively recent time of becoming an independent genre of folk art (mid-nineteenth century), ditties quickly gained popularity and remains an actively developing genre in our days. In the modern anthropocentric paradigm of philological research, the text of ditties is of a particular interest, and this is due to the fact that the author of ditties is a cumulative linguistic personality, it provides a better understanding of the subtleties of changes in ethnolinguistic consciousness over time. In this article we would like to consider some verbal means of realization of two fundamental non-discursive folklore concepts "Time" and "Space" in the Russian ditties and on this material to trace the sociological and cultural transformations.. (C) 2019 Published by Future Academy