Change in blood stress and antioxidant markers and hydromineral balance of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) anaesthetized with citronellal and linalool: Comparison with eugenol

The present study aimed to investigate the effects of anaesthesia with citronellal and linalool on stress, antioxidant and hydromineral responses of common carp. Eugenol was used as control anaesthetic, as it is a common anaesthetic in aquaculture. The fish (110 ± 5.65 g) were exposed to 406 mg/L citronellal, 982 mg/L linalool or 43 mg/L eugenol within 5 min (short-term anaesthesia) or 10 and 20 mg/L of each anaesthetic for 3 hr (long-term exposure), before blood sampling. The results showed that the short-term anaesthesia had no significant effects on plasma lactate, sodium, chloride and phosphorus levels and blood catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase activities. The short-term anaesthesia with linalool led to higher stress responses (increased cortisol and glucose levels) and oxidative stress (increased malondialdehyde [MDA] level and decreased total antioxidant capacity [TAC] and glutathione peroxidase [GPx] activity) compared to the eugenol and citronellal. Citronellal group had significantly higher cortisol and lower TAC level and GPx activity compared to eugenol group. Under the long-term exposure, increase in anaesthetic concentration led to significant increase in plasma cortisol, glucose and phosphorus levels. The linalool-treated fish had significantly higher cortisol and MDA levels compared to the other groups. The eugenol group had significantly higher lactate and phosphorus and lower TAC levels compared to the other groups. Although citronellal causes slight increase in plasma cortisol level, it induces lower tissue damages compared to eugenol. Thus, citronellal might be an alternative anaesthetic for carp anaesthesia based on the present tested parameters. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Yousefi M. 1 , Vatnikov Y.A. 1 , Kulikov E.V. 1 , Ghelichpour M.2
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Number of issue
  • 1 Department of Veterinary Medicine, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 2 Department of Aquatics Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
anaesthesia; carp; citronellal; health; linalool

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