The morbidity of chronic dermatitis continues to be permanently high in Russia, Europe and USA. the development of dermatitis is impacted by heredity, diseases of internal organs, environment. The medical social significance of dermatitis is high. The exacerbation of this disease results in deterioration of life quality of patients, emotional stress, decreasing of working capacity. Besides, special target financial expenses are required too. The interaction between primary medical care physicians and dermatologists plays significant role in treatment of dermatitis. To increase quality of medical care to patients with chronic dermatitis development and amelioration is needed concerning new models and principles of organization of treatment and diagnostic processes in the system of out-patient medical care in conditions of development of medical practice. The results of sociological survey of general practitioners were used to evaluate completeness of physicians implementing their function during management of patients with skin diseases. more than a half of physicians always prescribe to patients' examination prior to referral to dermatologist and one third of physicians always independently prescribe a treatment. Only one third of respondents declare confidence in independent diagnostic and treatment of patients with skin diseases. At that, more than two third of physicians being uncertain in diagnostic and treatment of patients, nevertheless are engaged in that. Therefore, nowadays general practitioners incompletely implement their functions in case of visit of patients with skin diseases.