The photophysical properties of some new and also some known complex organic molecules emission and generated radiations in the wavelength interval Δλosc,flmax ≈ 34O-76O nm have been studied in a wide range of organic solvent. Specifically, these molecules are based on phenyl-, furyl-, thienyl-oxazoles and oxadiazoles to compile a quasihomological series. Using the measured values of the extinction (εabs v) the fluorescence quantum yields (γfl), and the fluorescence lifetime (τfl) we calculated rate constants for radiative decay (kfl), and intercombination conversion (k ST), along with the cross sections for absorption (σ13max), and stimulated emission of radiation (σ31osc). We also found the longest limit pump-pulse rise time (tlp) for which generate of the oscillations active molecules. Within the framework of the method of spectral-quantum-chemistry modeling LCAO-MO CSF CI INDO/S, CNDO/S, and PPP/S of structure and optical and nonoptical properties for the multiatomic molecules.