The method of "sublay" plastics is the most common in comparison with other types of plastics in postoperative ventral hernias. Unfortunately, the frequency of relapses according to literature data exceeds 10%. Surgeons' dissatisfaction with the results of operations makes it necessary to look for new ways of operations, types of plastics, implants and possible ways of fixing. The study was conducted on the basis of 85 clinical hospitals (Moscow) and included 66 patients aged from 18 to 83 years. Patients were operated using a self-locking implant ProgripTM with the location of the implant according to the "sublay" method. The material from which the implant is made met all the requirements of an "ideal" implant. However, for a long time, patient monitoring revealed relapses. To reduce the number of relapses, a new modeled Implant ProgripTM was developed and introduced into the clinic. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.