Комплексы родия(III) с биологически активными лигандами

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Рудницкая О.В., Култышкина Е.К., Доброхотова Е.В., Хрусталев В.Н., Зубавичус Я.В.
Materials of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 85 th anniversary of the academician Rafiga Alirza gizi Aliyeva "Chemistry of coordination compounds: actual problems of analytical chemistry" (16-17 november, Baku, 2017). Baku State Universary. 2017. P. 52-52
Borgkhut R.J, Gilfanov S.I.
Modern Paradigm of the Scientific Knowledge: Actuality and Prospects: proceedings of the V International Multidisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference in Foreign Languages. Языки Народов Мира. 2017. P. 79-80