Тиокарбамидные комплексы платиновых металлов

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Dolzhikova A., Kurilenko V., Biryukova Yu., Makarova M., Kunovsky M.
Web of Science,Scopus 4th International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts, SGEM 2017, Vienna, Austria, 28-31 March 2017. [б.и.]. 2017. P. 658-668
Курасова М.Н., Есина Н.Я., Тригуб А.Л., Зубавичус Я.В., Хрусталев В.Н.
Materials of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 85 th anniversary of the academician Rafiga Alirza gizi Aliyeva "Chemistry of coordination compounds: actual problems of analytical chemistry" (16-17 november, Baku, 2017). Baku State Universary. 2017. P. 42-42