Приведены результаты определения развития стратегий совладания со стрессом у студентов медицинского вуза мужского и женского пола. Установлены половые отличия в развитии стратегий принятие ответственности и бегство-избегание и по паттерну взаимосвязей между выбором копинг-стратегий и объективными показателями функционирования организма.
Here are the results of determination of development strategies of coping with stress in medical students, male and female. There were studied the relationship between coping strategies and indicators of the functioning of the cardiovascular system, performance and functional status, heart rate variability in our study. We have found sexual differences in the development of strategies to taking responsibility and escape-avoidance pattern and interrelationships between the choice of coping strategies and objective measures of body functioning.Choosing a strategy of behavior in an uncomfortable situation, was combined with the parameters that characterize the level of activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS, of working capacity and of the functional state.