Обоснована роль полициклических ароматических углеводородов (ПАУ) в геоэкологических исследованиях. Рассмотрены индикаторные соотношения, применяемые для идентификации происхождения ПАУ. Оценена их надежность для природных и техногенных объектов с учетом стабильности в окружающей среде, а также региональной и сезонной специфики природных условий. Определены наиболее точные индикаторы для установления продуктов сжигания бытовых и медицинских отходов.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are the object of study. Due to their physicochemical properties and taking into account their prevalence in the analyzed objects, PAH are considered as markers of environmental pollution processes. The role of PAHs in geoecological research is substantiated. The aim of the study is to establish the PAH suitability for identifying combustion products in geo environmental studies. For this purpose, the indicator ratios used for the identifi cation of PAH origin were examined; the most important physicochemical, chemical and microbiological processes that change their concentrations in the environment were briefl y summarized; and the indicator ratios of PAH were calculated for samples of waste combustion products using various Russian and foreign incinerators. The indicator ratios of PAH concentrations widely adopted in the foreign studies were used as a method of identifying the PAH source. The reliability of indicator ratios was assessed taking into account their stability in the environment, as well as regional and seasonal specifi cs. As a result, we have identifi ed the most precise indicators for revealing combustion products of municipal and medical waste. The indicators allow us to estimate the impact zone of technogenic objects in different environments and to substantiate more precisely the particular sources of PAH. However, the informativeness of indicators varies. Among the considered concentration ratios, only that of pyrene and fl uoranthene permits to identify most reliably the origin of PAHs in waste combustion products. The maximal effect of PAH genesis identifi cation in the combustion products is achieved upon considering complex coeffi cients.