This paper considers *-graphs in which all vertices have degree 4 or 6, and studies the question of calculating the genus of orientable 2-surfaces into which such graphs may be embedded. A *-graph is a graph endowed with a formal adjacency structure on the half-edges around each vertex, and an embedding of a *-graph is an embedding under which the formal adjacency relation on half-edges corresponds to the adjacency relation induced by the embedding. *-graphs are a natural generalization of four-valent framed graphs, which are four-valent graphs with an opposite half-edge structure. In [Embeddings of four-valent framed graphs into 2-surfaces, Dokl. Akad. Nauk 424(3) (2009) 308-310], the question of whether a four-valent framed graph admits a Z2-homologically trivial embedding into a given surface was shown to be equivalent to a problem on matrices. We show that a similar result holds for *-graphs in which all vertices have degree 4 or 6. This gives an algorithm in quadratic time to determine whether a *-graph admits an embedding into the plane. © 2013 World Scientific Publishing Company.