The paper presents a modern metallogenic overview of Rudny Altai and the results of the study of the volcanic rocks associated with contrasting basalt-rhyolite formation, manifested as a consequence of riftogenic processes. There are two linear metallogenic subzones within the Rudny Altai Polymetallic Belt that extend in a northwesterly direction. The Zmeinogorsko-Zyryanovskaya subzone is the main one: it contains two-thirds of the belt’s deposits, three-quaters of Zn, Pb, Cu reserves, and four-fifths of Au and Ag, which are associated with Emsian-Givetian basalt-rhyolite formation. The Irtysh metallogenic subzons extends along the Irtysh Shear Zone, and is mainly composed of the Eifelian—Early Famennian basalt-rhyolite formation. Devonian bimodal volcanism occurred against a background of extension deformation with the formation of pull-apart basins. Taking into account the structure-kinematic characteristics of faults, the Devonian architecture of the Rudny Altai Block can be considered as a ‘negative flower’ (tulip) structures. Based on the trace element characteristics of initial basic rocks, the original magmas were the product of partial melting of metasomatised lithospheric mantle. This is confirmed by Pb-Pb studies of galena monofractions from the Rudny-Altai volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS-type) deposites. The magma source of the subsequent major phases probably corresponded to the asthenosphere, which may have risen to the depth of the preceding melting region. The generation of significant volumes of felsic magmas, to which the main VMS-type deposits are genetically related, was most likely associated with large-scale melting of terrigenous strata of the pre-Devonian palaeoshelf under the influence of mantle magmas. The sequence of Devonian mineralisation types is considered to be a consequence of the change in the type of volcanism initiated by transtension tectonics. This is consistent with the concept that the formation of ore-forming systems VMS type is associated with periods of hydrothermal activity during the mantle upwelling under extensive tectonic settings.The antidromic nature of magmatism development resulted in a specific metallogeny of the region, expressed in the change of barite-polymetallic and polymetallic deposits of the Emsian-Eifelian stage (Zyryanovskoe, Tishinskoe, Ridder-Sokolnoe), pyrite-polymetallic at the Givetian stage (Belousovskoe, Talovskoe) and then copper-pyritic at the Frasnian-Early Famennian stage (Kamyshinskoe, Nikolaevskoe). The results obtained are consistent with the model of evolution of the marginal arc—back arc system, in which mantle uplift is associated with basin extension and plate rollback.