Effect of the parameters of metal forming processes on the behaviour of thin-walled structures

Abstract The parameters of metal forming processes affect the distribution of material properties through the workpiece. In particular, sheet rolling and drawing processes induce the through thickness gradient of material properties in sheets that are used in thin-walled structures. The present paper studies the effect of this gradient on the product in the shape of two developable shells (circular cylinder and developable helicoids with different screwing degree) obtained from a plane metal workpiece by parabolic bending. The possibility of manufacturing any developable product without creases and tears from a thin metal workpiece is theoretically proved and the influence of metal forming process on the resulting stress-strain in the workpiece is examined. The results of the research can be implemented in different engineering fields as marine design, civil engineering, air-space industry, and in a range of manufacturing processes.

Rynkovskaya M , Alexandrov S
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Cardiovascular Ultrasound. BioMed Central. Vol. 22. 2024. 13 p.