The first results of U–Th–Pb isotope dating of detrital zircons (dZr) from the Chenka sandstones of the Cimmerides of Mountainous Crimea are presented. Carboniferous–Triassic dZr dominate among dZr from Chenka sandstones. Analysis of previously obtained sets of dZr ages from the age and lithologically different formations of Cimmerides of Mountainous Crimea has revealed certain regularities in the change in the time of the provenance signal and, accordingly, of the provenance areas, whose erosion products compose the studied formations. A comparison of the obtained of U–Pb ages of dZr from Chenka sandstones with similar dates obtained for sandstones from the Upper Triassic–Jurassic formations has shown that the provenance signals of the Chenka sandstones and Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic flysch strata are different, but the provenance signals of the Chenka sandstones and Middle–Upper Jurassic coarse clastic strata are similar. Detrital zircons from the Chenka sandstones show that the parameters of the Th–U distribution in them are intermediate between those from sandstones of flysch and coarse-grained strata, respectively. In general, the isotope-geochronological and geochemical data we obtained and some features of the internal structure of dZr grains from the Chenka sandstones can be used as a strong argument in favor of considering Chenka sandstones as an independent stratigraphic unit with an age not older than the Middle Jurassic. The similarity of the characteristics of dZr grains from sandstones of the Chenka sandstones with those from Middle–Upper Jurassic sandstones casts doubt on the correlations of the Chenka sandstones with a number of lithologically similar units of the southwestern regions of Mountainous Crimea, specified as Early Jurassic in age based on finds of fossil remains.