The necessity for technology incorporation has appeared in the construction sector a long time ago. A challenging area in the field of construction touches upon design, build, operation, maintenance, reconstruction and include all the steps of a process. This paper calls into the question of additive manufacturing (AM) application in the construction sector, especially road construction, describing the AM implementation. The model-driven methodology is critical to the success of manufacture. Key challenges that face construction 3D-printing are presented and discussed. The aim of this article was to show exhaustively realistic prospect of AM in road construction as factor of its sustainability, in particular in conditions of climate change and hydrological catastrophe. Furthermore, the experimental simulation was conducted to enable clean insights into the AM process. These insights could be fundamental to further experimental investigations with an eye to estimate the use of traditional already well-established construction materials. The presented opportunities elucidate the demand for on- and off-site CAD integration. The conducted experiment demonstrated all steps of AM.