There are historical settlements in the Leningrad Region that have high historical and cultural potential, unique landscapes and require the formation of a special urban development policy. One of these is the territory of the town of Koltushi in the Vsevolozhsk District of the Leningrad Region. The purpose of the study is to identify the natural resource potential of the territory and develop recommendations for the formation of a green framework for the town of Koltushi in the Leningrad Region. The organization of a green framework not only meets the needs of society, but is also a necessary element for the development of the city. The study identified and analyzed the features of the natural resource potential of the town of Koltushi, the main natural cores of which are: the specially protected natural area "Natural Monument "Koltushi Heights", the territory of the Scientific Town of Physiologist I.P. Pavlov and forest parks. The "green" fabric of the city consists of seven main public spaces. The ecological connections of the city are provided through a system of green corridors that connect the ecological cores and the green fabric. In terms of the tourism component, there are 11 key points of attraction for tourists in the Koltushi settlement. Stagnating and unused territories have also been identified: forest parks, parks, squares, alleys and other green spaces, which are promising green areas for public use. As a result of the SWOT analysis, the weaknesses and strengths of the natural resource potential of the territory, opportunities and threats have been identified. Proposals have been developed for the formation of a green framework for the town of Koltushi, focusing on preserving the unique natural landscape, creating buffer zones for specially protected natural areas, forming a transport framework and functional zoning, improving the living environment by moving treatment facilities out of the center of the settlement and determining the optimal parameters for the development of residential areas. In the course of the work, new functional zones were identified and existing zones in the current General Plan were detailed.