Современное маркетинговое коммуникативное пространство нуждается в тщательном изучении сложившихся приемов и их корректировке в контексте лингвоэкологических идей, которые опираются не только на интересы потребителей, но также на цивилизационные ценности общества в целом. В статье на материале паратекста в книгоиздании показаны как оптимальные способы представления коммерческой информации, в полной мере соответствующие экологическим критериям коммуникации, так и деструктивные явления в этой сфере, противоречащие этико-лингвистическим нормам. Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.
The modern marketing communication space needs, firstly, a profound study of the established techniques and, secondly, an adjustment of these techniques in the context of linguoecological ideas based not only on the interests of consumers, but also on the civilizational values of society as a whole. The aim of the article is to analyze one of the types of marketing communication - a promotional text in book publishing. This material, in contrast to the commercial advertising and even social advertising, has been studied insufficiently. Meanwhile, it has its own specifics and differs in many ways from standard commercial advertising. In modern conditions of book publishing commercialization, paratext becomes an integral component of book production. Based on the material of the paratext in book publishing, the article shows both optimal ways to present commercial information fully meeting the ecological criteria of communication and destructive phenomena in this area contradicting ethical and linguistic norms. The main purpose of publishing discourse is to attract attention to the publication, which can be achieved in different ways and with the help of different genres. The problem is that publishing discourse commercialization does not conflict with the linguoecological parameters of communication. Cultivation of marketing discursive practices in which commercialization does not contradict ethical and linguistic norms is one of the most urgent tasks. The emphasis on these parameters of marketing discourse will contribute to increasing the general linguoecological awareness of all the participants in the communicative process. Paratext is axiologically deterministic, which means that in some sense it educates readers, fixes certain value attitudes. The integration of linguoecological and communicative approaches to the analysis of the specifics of the promoting text in a particular linguaculture or its possible transformation in another linguaculture seems to be promising. On the basis of the combination of inductive and hypothetical-deductive methods, the article analyzes different forms of paratext, that is, promoting text in the book publishing system. The sociolinguistic analysis based on the method of correlation of social and linguistic phenomena is used to characterize it. At the same time, a pragmalinguistic study of the material is carried out in the parameters of the linguoecological approach, which assumes, primarily, compliance with ethical and linguistic norms of communication. The authors declare no conflicts of interests.