Саша, привет! О философии смерти в романе Дмитрия Данилова

В статье предлагается прочтение романа Д. Данилова «Саша, привет!» в аксиологическом и онтологическом аспектах - как рефлексии о жизни и смерти. Дискутируя с предыдущей критической рецепцией и обращаясь к контексту творчества Данилова в целом, автор видит в романе не только «антиутопию гуманизма», но и метафору современной жизни, которая без мысли о смерти нецелостна и неполна.

An exercise in close reading, the article explores D. Danilov’s novel Sasha, Hello! [Sasha, privet!] through critical reviews and perceptions of the novel and Danilov’s works in general. The critic considers the book in its axiological and ontological aspects as a reflection on life and death. While he found death abhorrent in his earlier works, Danilov reconsiders in 2022 and begins to perceive it as life’s successor - a ‘journey.’ His novel Sasha, Hello! serves as a philosophical bridge that spans the two concepts. The theme of death is instrumental in creating the book’s imagery and plot structure. In parallel to the philosophical quizzing about life and death, the novel portrays the modern society of ‘dead souls.’ The characters in the novel - professors, writers, and religious workers - appear prejudiced and petty-minded: people who have lost any concept of the true scale of human character. Critics have described Danilov’s novel as a humanistic dystopia. It is also possible to interpret it as a dystopia of liberalism, which robbed ‘progressive’ humanity of the notion that life and death are two legs of the same journey.

Автономная некоммерческая организация Редакция журнала критики и литературоведения Вопросы литературы
Number of issue
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов
D. Danilov; contemporary prose; contemporary literary criticism; metamodernism; existentialism; death; Д. Данилов; современная проза; современная литературная критика; метамодернизм; экзистенциализм; смерть

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