The improvement of the educational process requires continuous monitoring students' perception of the method of training, determining the factors affecting their satisfaction, and ensuring their positive attitude to learning. The study aims to assess the level of satisfaction of future specialists with the flipped classroom blended learning model implemented in their learning process. The participants were 104 second-year students from various humanities disciplines at a university in Moscow, Russia. The study employed a pedagogical quasi-experiment and a survey as primary research methods. The quasi-experiment was conducted over the second semester of the 2022-2023 academic year, during which the flipped classroom blended learning model was implemented. The survey included questions on various aspects of satisfaction and efficiency of learning, with responses given on a 5-point Likert scale. Based on a theoretical analysis, factors influencing student satisfaction with blended learning and conditions for its effective deployment were established and utilized in introducing the flipped classroom model into specialist training. A survey showed that over two-thirds of the students are satisfied with the flipped classroom model. Furthermore, most students give a positive assessment of the outcomes of their professional development (theoretical knowledge, new practical skills, intention to apply the obtained results in future professional practice, and opportunities for improving the quality of future professional work). A positive correlation is discovered between students' satisfaction and self-assessed learning outcomes. Moreover, student satisfaction is found to positively correlate with academic performance. The obtained findings give reason to recommend the flipped classroom blended learning model to be introduced into the process of specialist training based on the proposed structure.