This article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the organization and conduct of teleconsultations in the context of developing and young remote industrial areas, which will enable the organization and conduct of quality remote sessions between doctor and patient. This study investigated the influence of feedback from patients on the quality of telemedicine counseling sessions. The empirical part involved 57 physicians consulting residents of rotational settlements in the Far North of the Russian Federation. The doctors were randomized into experimental and control groups. In the experimental group, feedback from the patient on 5 parameters was provided after each consultation. The results showed that the introduction of feedback significantly improved patients' subjective evaluations of the quality of consultations in the experimental group compared to the control group (p≤0.05). Feedback from patients stimulates doctors to pay more attention to psychological aspects of interaction and increases the feeling of care from the medical organization. The obtained data can be used to improve the organization of telemedicine services in remote regions. © 2024 International Conferences e-Society 2024 and Mobile Learning 2024. All rights reserved.