Clinical and dynamic features of alcoholism formation in middle-aged and elderly patients with primary organic mental disorders

Objective. To investigate the clinical and dynamic features of the formation of alcohol dependence (AD) in middle-aged and elderly people with primary organic mental disorders (POMD). Material and methods. The study included 83 male patients aged 67.5±7.2 years with POPR, complicated by mid-stage AD, who were divided into 2 groups. The 1st group included 49 (59%) patients, the 2nd — 34 (41%) patients who had symptoms of POPR at 39.2±2.8 and 46.5±2.2 years, respectively, and alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) formed at 53.8±1.2 years and 66.8±0.9 years, accordingly. The study used questionnaires — social interviews, clinical (anamnesis collection), catamnestic, dynamic observation, statistical (parametric and nonparametric) methods. Results. Patients of group 1 began systematic alcohol intake at a younger age (cf. age 46.2±1.2 years), a low-grade course prevailed (53.1%), AWS appeared at an average age of 57.2±1.8 years, was of pronounced severity (21.32±2.48 points), the psychopathological variant dominated. Systematic alcohol intake in patients of the 2nd group began at a later age (58.4±1.4 years), they had a predominant (41.2%) — a moderate course, AWS was formed more often (41.2%) in the elderly (66.2±1.2 years), was of moderate severity (CIWA, 18.81±1.92 points), the cerebral variant prevailed. The average duration of AWS and light intervals in patients of group 1 was longer (p<0.05), respectively — 5.5±1.5 days and 23.3±2.8 days. Conclusion. The development of POMD symptoms at a young age may have an impact on the formation of AZ in middle age, a pronounced degree of severity of AWS, a low—grade course, and the appearance of POMD symptoms in middle age — on the later formation of AD, the average severity of the course of AWS, a medium-grade course. © 2024, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved.

Kardashyan R.A. , Efremov A.A.
Медиа Сфера
Number of issue
  • 1 Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 2 Central State Medical Academy of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
alcohol dependence; pathological attraction; primary organic mental disorders; progrediency; withdrawal syndrome

Other records

Zamulaeva I.A., Gusarova V.R., Kaprin A.D.
Radiation and Risk. National Medical Research Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Vol. 24. 2024. P. 123-142