The 1990s were characterized by a significant increase in morbidity of syphilis, which is usually called epidemic. There has been a decline in the morbidity over the subsequent years. Thus, the morbidity rate of all forms of syphilis decreased by 3.2 times from 2001 to 2018 in the Moscow region. In addition to that, there was a significant increase in the late forms of syphilis during this period, namely by 45.6 times. The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the level and nature of general somatic pathology in persons with proven syphilis diagnosis and in the general population on the same territory. A statistically reliable increase in the number of registered cases of diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular, reproductive and some body systems in patients with syphilis has been established compared to the general population. There is no doubt that pathologically changed organs are more accessible to the specific processes development in them under the in-fluence of causative agent of syphilis. The general somatic load, specific for patients with syphilis, calls attention to itself. A compromised or-gan can become a target for treponema pallidum and determine the development path of specific infection. The treatment of general somatic pathology can serve as prevention of the specific visceral lesions development. © 2024, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved.