The purpose of the article is to discuss the prospects of applying the explanatory potential of philological hermeneutics in the study of explanatory dictionaries. The scope of the study includes the entry of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by D. N. Ushakov, considered as a text of a special type. For the first time, this type of text is studied from the procedural point of view: not as an object, but as an activity. The methodological basis of the study consists of the classical works on hermeneutics by G. G. Shpet and G. I. Bogin, synthesized in the course of the work into a holistic theoretico-methodological approach to the study of the dictionary entry as a special type of text. The processes of definition, exposition and interpretation are considered by the authors in the light of a systemic approach as a dialectical triad that serves the purposes of understanding different levels - semanticizing and conceptualizing. Such a research position has made it possible to present Ushakov's dictionary both as a text decoding the semantic reality of language and as a text objectifying it. The article presents the results of theoretical modeling of creation of a dictionary entry and their verification in the analysis of dictionary material, which is considered from a historical perspective - as a stage of dynamic change experienced by the semantic system of the Russian language. To discover this change, in addition to the dictionary edited by Ushakov, the authors employs data from the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V. I. Dahl edited by I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay and “The Dictionary of the Russian Language” in Four Volumes edited by A. P. Evgenieva. The authors come to the conclusion that the order of meanings, the reasons for changing stylistic notes, and the principle of selecting combinations and quotations semanticizing a particular meaning are determined intentionally, and therefore decode the distorted semantic space of the language for the reader. The approach developed by the authors to the study of the dictionary entry as a text can serve as a theoretical basis in the hermeneutic study of explanatory dictionaries, the results of which are significant not only for philological hermeneutics, but also for the history of literary language, the history of science, and the history of society. © 2023 Ural State Pedagogical University. All rights reserved.