Currently, mortality in generalized peritonitis remains high, reaching 20-30%, and with the development of septic shock it increases to 70-90%. Surgeons actively discuss the choice of approach for generalized peritonitis based on intraoperative findings and the severity of the patient’s condition. The paper presents the results of studies and opinions of domestic and foreign surgeons on the possibility of performance laparoscopic operations in patients with generalized peritonitis. Despite the fact that world surgery has accumulated extensive experience in performance laparoscopic operations in patients with generalized peritonitis, the inconsistency of literature data, and that is the most important, the lack of a generally accepted approach in determining the criteria for choosing surgical access and reasonable indications and contraindications for performing laparoscopic surgery let talking about the relevance of this problems. A possible solution of this problem can be the creation of a scale, the combined criteria of which (local and general) will allow, at leastapproximately, to select the surgical approach in patients with generalized peritonitis. © 2023, Vitebsk State Medical University. All rights reserved.