Reduction in the medical labor reserve leads to economic losses, therefore, the issue related to medical personnel health improvement is relevant at all management levels in healthcare. The article presents results of the survey of doctors in Moscow, reflecting their own attitude to a healthy lifestyle and related self-preserving behavior patterns. The searches focused on the analysis of activities of medical workers related to health improvement and promotion and analysis of psychosocial attitudes of medical workers. The article presents results of the survey of doctors of different specialty providing primary health care at Moscow polyclinics. The survey used Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile, HPLP-II. HPLP-II is actively used by both foreign and Russian scientists. It has been validated on the Russian sample. Respondents give their responses scoring the degree of their agreement with an item by the following blocks (health responsibility, physical activity, spiritual growth, nutrition, interpersonal relations and stress management). Using this questionnaire, the authors have evaluated healthy lifestyle of medical workers as a multicomponent structure for better understanding of major priorities in self-preservation behavior of physicians. Based on the survey results, the authors have ranked the scales to identify priority factors affecting the formation of the value-based attitude to healthy lifestyle by medical workers.