Introduction. Paraurethral cyst is a benign neoplasm of the perineal region, round, having a retention cavity with liquid contents. Being located near the urethra, paraurethral cyst can cause disturbances in the patient’s urodynamics, which are manifested both in the prolongation of urination time and in the reduction of the maximum urination rate. Prolonged persistence of paraurethral cyst can lead to morphological changes in its wall, up to malignant transformation. The recommended treatment is surgery. Aim. Analysis of the scientific medical literature on paraurethral cyst with the presentation of personal clinical observation. Material and methods. An analysis of the medical literature devoted to the problem has been performed. We demonstrate a clinical observation of a woman with calcinosis paraurethral cyst. Results and discussion. In a 43-year-old patient, during the examination, we suspected calcification of the paraurethral cyst wall, because of which during the operation there were difficulties in excising this benign neoplasm from the surrounding tissues. Clinical urinalysis and urinalysis according to Nechiporenko did not reveal any changes. According to the ultrasound of the perineum, uneven thickening of the walls of the paraurethral cyst up to 3 mm and hyperechogenicity of its wall and homogeneity of the cyst cavity were noted. According to uroflowmetry: Qmax – 16,3 ml/s, the average volumetric flow rate of urine – 6,1 ml/s, urination time – 69 s. Technical difficulties during the operation did not affect the course of the postoperative period. The patient was discharged from the hospital in a satisfactory condition. Two weeks after the operation, the patient noted a subjective improvement in the quality of urination, and uroflowmetry indicators improved by an average of 25%. Conclusion. Long-term paraurethral cyst not only cause urodynamic disturbances in patients, but also undergo structural changes. Preliminary diagnosis allows you to suspect changes in the paraurethral cyst wall, which should be considered when choosing a treatment tactic for a particular patient. © 2022, LLC "IMC" Modern Clinical Medicine. All rights reserved.